More ISIS fighters from one Swedish town than entire USA


NOTE: Article by The Sweden Report. Magnus Ranstorp is a quoted source, not the author of this post as erroneously stated by some reposters.

The Swedish town of Gothenburg is a hotbed for ISIS recruitment, according to terror experts at Swedish intelligence agency SÄPO and the Swedish military.

Magnus Ranstorp

“The Swedish Center for Jihadists is Gothenburg,” says terrorism expert Magnus Ranstorp. In an interview in newspaper Svenska Dagbladet last fall, Ranstorp estimated there being some 50 out of the 150 “Swedish” ISIS warriors originating from the Gothenburg region. ‘Exclusion areas’ like Hammarkullen, Biskopsgården and Angered, featured in the infamous police report of areas where the gangs are taking over published last year, are not surprisingly topping the list for terrorism recruitment grounds.

And apparently, recruitment is picking up. Newspaper Aftonbladet recently published a follow-up interview with a returned ISIS fanatic that participated in the Syrian carnage and has since published recruitment videos specifically aimed at Swedish would-be Jihadists. In the interview, which is chilling to the bone from the sheer madness seeping out through the lines, the young man matter-of-factly estimates the number of fellow Gothenburg-warriors to now reach 150.

Gothenburg is a relatively small town of just over half a million inhabitants. That’s like Tucson, AZ or Nashville, TN.

For comparison, the Pentagon estimates about 100 Americans have participated as ISIS-fighters over the last three years, with “a handful” currently in combat under the black flag of terror.

Unfortunately, most ISIS-fighters are NOT killed in action. They get a crash course in the art of killing, handling explosives, raping with impunity, and generally imbue themselves with fanatical hate and complete disdain for democracy, freedom and everything else Western society rests upon. Skills and attitudes they bring back home.

When they return, they are not punished by Swedish authorities, nor are they stripped of their citizenship and deported. Instead, they get coddled with therapy and get fast-tracked to jobs ahead of native Swedes and law-abiding immigrants. It was recently revealed that the town of Örebro has had this as their policy since 2013 and has so far provided a dozen returnees with jobs.

Rarely has the term “Dragon Seed” felt as accurate as what Sweden is happily engaged in. Personally, I plan to be far away from here by the time harvest draws near.

32 thoughts on “More ISIS fighters from one Swedish town than entire USA

  1. Seriously, is the Swedish government actively trying to establish the caliphate or something?

    How hard can it be? Crack down on budding Jihadists with full force, and those who leave should of course never be let back in!


    • ISIS stated officially that they would not attack a country which is not involved in bombings and killing people of Iraq and Syria.
      So, do not invite lions to your nest, keep quite, these guys is not a joke.
      God forbid.


      • Guess what, Japan wasn’t killing any syrians or Iraqis. You’re just another brainwashed ISIS supporter.


    • I guess Japan contributed 200,000,000$ to bomb syrians, and iraqis, but Sweden did not do that.
      And what makes you think that i’m ISIS supporter? I’m just a realist, the coin has a flip side.


  2. This information is widely published in Swedish media. Why don’t people react and demand that the politicians close the border? At the very least, make it policy to confiscate the passports of anyone who has gone to Syria? Are the people really BEHIND the “Behead an infidel, get a job” reward system?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Any negative reaction would be labeled as racist, and anybody being labeled as such will lose their job, friends and family, and memberships in all social configurations of any sort. They will never be given the chance to explain themselves or what they actually said, but the entire establishment, press, media will tell that this person are secretly running a nazzi agenda. They will become social outcasts. Their entire life will be destroyed. Just the other day a guy took his own life as a consequence of what I just mentioned. He made the mistake, thinking he could have an opinion in this matter. It all ended with the destruction of his small business, leading to his family turning on him, divorce, and finally, him taking his own life. Democracy per say is dead… really. You do´nt want your entire life destroyed, do ya? No. So you better shut the fu## up and get on with your business won’t ya?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sadly, you are absolutely correct. There is even a popular reality TV-show where veteran media profile and outspoken communist Robert Aschberg travels around the country seeking out private citizens guilty of having made anonymous comments online that doesn’t fit the established doctrine.

        STASI meets popular entertainment. God help Sweden.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Good I am a Swedish pensioner so I can think and say what I want – until the Caliphate has come a tiny bit closer, then I can only think. If I had been younger and healthier I had for sure moved to a sensible country some time ago.


      • SR, I’m one of those who has Aschberg breathing down my neck thanks to the hack against Disqus in 2013. He knocked on my door in november last year. I didn’t open. Not because I’m chicken but because I prefer to confront him on my own terms. Nonetheless they has threatened to use the material they shot outside my door in the show. However I have decided to abide my time until afterwards. If they actually do it, I will report it to the police for harassing and stalking: Perhaps even for attempted blackmailing. I have a paper with his fingerprints on in plastic bag for later use. Not that I expect a millionaire like him to ever be prosecuted but still it is a matter of principles for mer. I’ll never back down for dirtbags like them. He can thank his lucky stars we swedes doesn’t have a second amendment.


  3. Well, what can you expect? When there is a reward instead of punishment for doing the wrong thing, is anyone surprised that some people choose the wrong thing?

    It is interesting that one of the guys in Orebro went back to Syria and got killed, despite having been coddled by clueless the politicians.

    Proof that the concept doesn’t work even by their own standards.


  4. Sweden is absolutely hopeless, mostly due to its leftist, liberal minded, ridiculous policy towards Muslims. Greetings from Serbia.


  5. […] Meanwhile, every day Sweden lets in more Muslim immigrants who could potentially attack Islam-critics or others. The influx of asylum seekers is so large that the country barely has enough housing for all of them. At the same time, the understaffed police force can hardly keep up with the rise of foreign mafias and public gang shootings. A single Swedish city, Gothenburg, has produced more Jihadists fighting for the Islamic State than all of Italy, and a number comparable to that of the entire USA. […]


  6. […] Meanwhile, every day Sweden lets in more Muslim immigrants who could potentially attack Islam-critics or others. The influx of asylum seekers is so large that the country barely has enough housing for all of them. At the same time, the understaffed police force can hardly keep up with the rise of foreign mafias and public gang shootings. A single Swedish city, Gothenburg, has produced more Jihadists fighting for the Islamic State than all of Italy, and a number comparable to that of theentire USA. […]


  7. “In Berlin, a classified police report revealed that a dozen Arab clans hold reign over the city’s criminal underworld. The report says the clans, which are dedicated to dealing drugs, robbing banks and burglarizing department stores, run a “parallel justice system” in which they resolve disputes among themselves with mediators from other crime families. If the state gets involved, the clans use cash payments or threats of violence to influence witnesses.”

    “For years the policy has been to leave the population in the dark about the actual crime situation… The citizens are being played for fools.” — André Schulz, head of the Association of Criminal Police.”


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